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Archetypal Tarot Readings
Meaning making
Dark Goddess
Kelly Gouveia
16 de jul. de 20225 min de leitura
Art as an entrace into the unconscious
ENG: Art is an expression of the unconscious of the artist, and even of his time. It's a doorway into the realm of the symbols, metaphors...
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Kelly Gouveia
3 de jul. de 20223 min de leitura
The Hermit (IX) and the religious copping.
ENG: The Hermit invite us to a lonely journey, into our depths and to look out to nature with different eyes, in every detail in a...
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Kelly Gouveia
3 de abr. de 20224 min de leitura
Exoterism, Esoterism, Mysticism and the Tarot
ENG: Exoterism [from the Greek éksôtérikÃ, meaning "outside"]. It's a religion or doctrine that come into the world throught dialectical,...
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Kelly Gouveia
26 de mar. de 20224 min de leitura
Dystopia and The Tower of Destruction (XVI)
ENG: In Orwell's book, he tells us about a distopia ["bad utopia"], a dictatorial place commanded by the "Big Brother", where people are...
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Kelly Gouveia
31 de dez. de 20214 min de leitura
2+0+2+2= 6 [ VI- The Lovers]
ENG: The Lovers card symbolizes the banishment from paradise, eating from the tree of knowledge means that we become conscious and aware...
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Kelly Gouveia
27 de nov. de 20211 min de leitura
Memento Mori, Memento viveri.
ENG: Every day, we all come upon a symbolical death. But during life we come to face a few (or many) breaking points. Those progressions...
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Kelly Gouveia
12 de nov. de 20214 min de leitura
Thinking with the heart: religion and the sacred in the Judgment card (XX)
ENG: Religio [obligation, bond, reverence-, perhaps based on Latin religare ‘to bind’]. Heart [core, 'by heart', 'give heart to', 'take...
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Kelly Gouveia
16 de out. de 20214 min de leitura
Mandrake and The Fool
ENG: Mandrake is a root known for its aphrodisiac benefits, cure virtues, and spiritual efficacy. But after all is a poison plant...
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Kelly Gouveia
7 de out. de 20214 min de leitura
The Strength (VIII) and The Minotaur: Body and Psyche.
ENG: The Strength card depicts the process of becoming conscious of the destructive and constructive powers within us. To tame the lion...
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Kelly Gouveia
27 de set. de 20210 min de leitura
A short story about: TEMPLO DE MEDUSA
ENG: TEMPLUM [to cut, to delimit in the observation of the Cosmos] - a short piece of land consecrated to Medusa, and occupied by Her...
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Kelly Gouveia
14 de ago. de 20215 min de leitura
Body as psyche's expression
ENG: We can express our psyche through our body, known as body modifications, such as tattoos, piercings, aesthetic surgeries and etc....
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Kelly Gouveia
31 de jul. de 20214 min de leitura
Art and the Tarot: approaches to Psyche.
ENG: Narrative, language, are means of cultural expression that can be analyzed, as they are fundamental resources for the mediation and...
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Kelly Gouveia
25 de jul. de 20213 min de leitura
The Cassandra's Myth.
ENG: Cassandra was a princess of Troy, harassed by the god Apollo, who promised her the power of prophecy. She at first accepted his...
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Kelly Gouveia
17 de jul. de 20213 min de leitura
IRIS AND HERMES: The messengers of the Gods.
ENG: As the Archetypes the ancient gods are not standarized entities, they are fluid, shape-shifting and ever moving concepts. Iris and...
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Kelly Gouveia
13 de jun. de 20216 min de leitura
Honey, the food of the Gods.
ENG: Bees as a solar symbol of monarchy, an organized and complex group of insects, symbol of wisdom, order, labor, creativity and...
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Kelly Gouveia
22 de mai. de 20216 min de leitura
Pomegranate: the cycles of life.
ENG: As a sacred symbol in religious vestments; a symbol of the underworld in the tumbs, as a symbol of the royals; and a symbol of...
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Kelly Gouveia
24 de abr. de 20216 min de leitura
THE STAR (XVII) - stella matutina.
ENG: Universalis Columna. quasi sustinens omnia, (the spine of the Universe, holder of the whole). The Polar star is a center and a point...
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Kelly Gouveia
6 de mar. de 20218 min de leitura
THE ACORN'S THEORY - The Soul's Code by James Hillman.
ENG: Daemon is the latin word for the ancient greek of "Daimon", which means "god", "godlike", "fate", "power". It is a spirit or deity...
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Kelly Gouveia
27 de fev. de 20219 min de leitura
Faces of TIME: Cronus - Kairos.
ENG: In the greek-roman myths Kronos was a Titan, son of Uranus (Sky) and Gaia (Earth). Kronos deposed his father Uranus, and he learnt...
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Kelly Gouveia
13 de fev. de 20214 min de leitura
The Language of Earth (prima materia).
ENG: The Earth (Terra) as the source of all life (Great Mother/ Tellus Mater). It gives life and takes life away. All beings receive from...
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