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Archetypal Tarot Readings
Meaning making
Dark Goddess
Kelly Gouveia
6 de fev. de 20215 min de leitura
The language of Air (Spiritus creator).
ENG: The Air (AER) is the medium of propragation for light, of flight, of perfum, of color; represents the subtle intermediate world...
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Kelly Gouveia
1 de fev. de 20216 min de leitura
IMBOLC (Candlemas/ La Candelera/ Candelaria)
ENG: Imbolc (from the night of the 1st to the day of the 2nd of February - imbolg = "in the belly button"). It's the revitalization of...
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Kelly Gouveia
30 de jan. de 20218 min de leitura
The Language of Water (Aqua solvens et Coagulans)
ENG: Water (AQUA) is the hiding place and the dwelling place of the whole treasure. It's source of life, means of purification and...
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Kelly Gouveia
23 de jan. de 20216 min de leitura
The Language of Fire.
ENG: FIRE (Ignis). In many religions is described as a divine spirit within us being like a fire that can be incited or suffocated. Like...
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Kelly Gouveia
9 de jan. de 20215 min de leitura
The Nº 5.
ENG: In most number systems, the primordial human (the ideal, material, bodily man) is assigned in the number 5; the symbol is the...
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Kelly Gouveia
31 de dez. de 20208 min de leitura
2+0+2+1= 5 -> The Hierophant [The Wounded Healer].
ENG: Through the wisdom of the Empress (2) [as the archetype of the Earth Mother], 2020 taught us again about the cycles of life. Nature...
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Kelly Gouveia
31 de dez. de 202010 min de leitura
JANUS - the beginning of anything is an omen for the whole.
ENG: Janus (Iānus) held a staff in his right hand, in order to guide travellers along the correct route, and a key in his left to open...
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Kelly Gouveia
23 de dez. de 20209 min de leitura
The Archetype of the Divine Child and The Sun (XIX).
ENG: The Divine Child represents the emergence of a new idea or energy, a renewal and expansion in consciousness. “As bringers of light,...
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Kelly Gouveia
20 de dez. de 202010 min de leitura
The rhythms of the Wheel and the Divination.
ENG: The Wheel of Fortune represented here by the Fate Goddesses, the three Moirai in a cave. Reflected in the lunar phases, young...
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Kelly Gouveia
13 de dez. de 20208 min de leitura
The Empress and the Queens in the Tarot.
ENG: The Empress symbolizes the cosmic creation forms: matter and energy. She's the intelligence of matter, prototype of forms, shape of...
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Kelly Gouveia
28 de nov. de 202011 min de leitura
The Witch Archetype and The Moon (XVIII).
ENG: "Everything is energy, and everything is connected to everything else." When we face the archetype of the Witch (everyone of us have...
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Kelly Gouveia
15 de nov. de 202011 min de leitura
LILITH - The dark Goddess keys to the women secrets.
ENG: In the Christian culture, we see the subtle presence of Lilith in the book of Genesis 1:27 - "So God created mankind in his own...
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Kelly Gouveia
7 de nov. de 20209 min de leitura
The Trickster Archetype and The Magician (I): the drop of water containing the ocean.
ENG: Here the trickster is seen as the one who constantly battles to break down our resistence to chaos, disorder, insight, and new...
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Kelly Gouveia
31 de out. de 20208 min de leitura
The symbol of the Serpent - The masters of wisdom.
ENG: The serpents (Cobra/Naga/Uraeus) enter into our mythology and imagination as the creator, progenitor, cosmic destructor and as a...
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Kelly Gouveia
11 de out. de 20208 min de leitura
Vasilisa, The Beautiful and Baba Yaga.
ENG: The Vasilisa fairytale talks about an initiation. There are tasks that must be fulfilled in order to survive and become whole....
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Kelly Gouveia
3 de out. de 20208 min de leitura
Rituals of initiation: growth, decay, and rebirth of the grain.
ENG: There is no way out of a myth, only a way more deeply into it. Hades means not "bad" but "deep", and being taken to those depths...
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Kelly Gouveia
20 de set. de 20209 min de leitura
The crossroads... and the voice of the Soul.
ENG: Love as bridge between heaven and Earth, God in nature, the idea in the world, light in darkness, the mediator, the decision,...
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Kelly Gouveia
12 de set. de 20207 min de leitura
Sophia: The Anima Mundi.
ENG: The High Priestess embodies divine love that fosters and natures the impulse toward the unfolding of the universe. She is the anima...
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Kelly Gouveia
6 de set. de 20206 min de leitura
The Past can lead to the Future.
ENG: "Everything flows out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the...
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Kelly Gouveia
30 de ago. de 202010 min de leitura
Aleph: breath of life, unity, stability, power.
ENG: Aleph {א} takes the shape of totality and unity in The Magician. He is the creative thought of the Most High, the integration and...
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